BTS Server is designed to accurately calculate the coordinates of any base stations and identify fake base stations such as IMSI catchers and active interception systems. The system is an important addition and aggregator of handheld and portable BTS scanners from Discovery Telecom.
The BTS Server web-based control panel allows you to control the operations of several devices from one place. The monitoring center allows you to monitor and remotely control all devices at the same time, offer real-time alerts about suspicious network activity and provides advanced analysis of the collected data.
While the BTS Scanner sends to the Server all decoded and original SIBs, GPS positions, Signal level, Signal quality, Noise level and even more than 80 parameters, the Server software calculates the coordinates of base stations with an accuracy of several meters.
All you need to do to do this is drive or go with the BTS scanner near the stations whose coordinates you need to determine. In contrast to working on expensive and complex interception systems, no special knowledge and skills are required from personnel